Teamwork, Leadership & Mentorship

Laminating decks with the Roarockit process works best as a team effort.

Teachers report a high level of cooperation and interaction between students during these builds! Age, ability and other issues disappear while they help each other master the process of laminating, finishing, painting and displaying their skateboard decks.

From the skate park rider, to the woodworker, to the student more interested in the art side of the project, bringing them together with one project allows each student the opportunity to make a significant contribution to the class experience.

Once the build process has been learned, each student (depending on age) has the potential to become a teacher or assistant. Leadership and Life Skill lessons can be developed with this process, with programs and venues such as:

  • Skateboard Clubs
  • Mentorship Programs
  • After School Programs
  • At-Risk Programs
  • Lower School assistance
  • Outreach Programs in local and beyond communities
  • Skate Park Events
  • Professional Development Sessions
  • Science / Practical Arts Sessions
  • Science Fair Demonstrations
  • Summer Camps

The teamwork required to build skateboards makes this an ideal program to bring students together. Many others will find skills they didn’t know they possessed. Empowered by knowing how to make a skateboard has given many students the confidence to overcome “issues”.

Skateboard deck building has proven itself to be the missing ingredient to a curriculum that engages youth.

Points of Learning:

  • Teamwork
  • Leadership Skills
  • Mentoring Skills